Today is our last day as interns working at Parker Clay. It has been a pleasure to have a peek into the world of a conscious and ethical company working to connect the needs of those in our world with the desires to help in our communities.
We’ve done it all: worked with our social media, our marketing, our inventory systems, the minute details of assembling our various products, experienced the excitement of receiving a shipment from halfway across the world, had the pleasure of working with interested and passionate individuals, helped those who sincerely want to support what we do, learned about Ethiopian culture and life. But above all, we’ve been brought alongside the process of making an impact in the world. We’ve seen the functions of a company that wants to defy business as usual—leveraging its resources and power to spread empowerment to people and communities it cares about.
Parker Clay started with the good intentions of Ian and Brittany Bentley. It has grown to include the work and actions of everyone involved, including our employees, customers, and interns. And it is still growing. We’ve been lucky to be included in Parker Clay’s work during a period where we’ve launched a new website, an innovative virtual reality experience, and released a myriad of new products. Parker Clay persists in making steps towards a future where our impact is greater, the opportunities provided are more profound, and lives continue to change. Though we’re leaving, we’re excited to see what lays ahead for Parker Clay.